the A r c h i v e s


This category contains 4 posts

BISEXUALITY: Deal or No Deal

Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night. ~Woody Allen Ah wish ah kud kwit yew. ~From, Brokeback Mountain (Carrot is hooked on phonics) Carrot Can … offer an observation: If you believe your Sexual Orientation is ‘Bisexual’, then you are in sexual identity denial.  You are living [sic] a lie. Wake … Continue reading

Being Homosexual, Herman Cain and The View

Herman Cain, Republican Presidential Hopeful on The View in response to Joy Behar after voicing her difficulty with those, including Mr. Cain, who still believe homosexuality is a choice: “You show me the science that says homosexuality is not a choice and I’ll change my opinion.” Carrot is compelled to respond to Mr. Cain, et … Continue reading

GAY HISTORY: These Closets Have Too Many Bones

One fabulous, sun drenched afternoon Carrot’s human, Hunter, attempted to explain an interesting and complex aspect of human behaviour: denial.  Carrot Can and Will … consider the fascinating information Hunter imparted about yet another human foible, allowing Carrot the pleasure of further vegetative analysis. It is no secret, Carrot contends, that the two major progenitors … Continue reading

The President’s Statement On Ending ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’

Carrot Can and Will … …congratulate all of our Gay and Lesbian military service members who have endured almost twenty years of being forced to serve their country as someone other than who they truly are.  You, each and every one of you, are Carrot’s amazing heroes.  Carrot is fighting the urge to go topsoil … Continue reading

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